Opportunities for Spiritual Growth

Bethlehem UMC enjoys a small group ministry called LIFE (Love–Instruction–Fellowship–Example) Groups. These are small groups–usually 6 to 8 people–who gather regularly to engage in worship, to study God’s word, to pray for lost souls, and to plan for providing service to others.

The purpose of these groups is to help those who participate grow spiritually by helping to deepen their personal relationship with God, to help build and strengthen God’s connected community, and to share in outreach and mission work to our local community.

Women's LIFE Group

  We will resume Monday,
    September 16, 2024, as we begin a new study, “In His Image – 10 Ways God Calls Us to Reflect
    His Character” by Jen Wilkin.
    If you are interested in joining the group for this study, please contact Jane Winner or Pastor Chuck.
    The Women’s LIFE Group meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month from 2:30PM to 4:00PM
    during the school calendar year.

M&M's - Men in Mission LIFE Group


The “M&Ms” gather  in the church fellowship hall for breakfast, Christian fellowship, and spiritual growth. The group also adopts work projects to provide needed maintenance and repair work to benefit those in our community who require assistance. Facilitators are Pastor Chuck, Ronnie Powell, and David Craft.

Fourth Saturday of each month

8:00 a.m.

Co-ed LIFE Group


This group welcomes men and women who seek a fuller relationship with God through the process of spiritual formation. 

The facilitator is Virginia Sherrod.

Every Wednesday evening at the church from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.

Women's Ecumenical Bible Study Group

Women of all faiths are welcome to this group. Participants gather to pray and to study and discuss God’s word. 

Facilitators are Opal Brown and Mindy Hardee. 

Every Wednesday morning at 10 a.m. in the fellowship hall.

If you have any questions about any of the groups or need more information, please contact Pastor Chuck by phone at 804-384-7678 or by email at pastorchuck7@aol.com.