Outreach Ministries

Ongoing Food Drive

Bethlehem UMC accepts donations in support of the Bread For Life Food Pantry in Gloucester. Food and non-food items may be dropped off inside the church Mondays and Wednesdays or left in a box by the church’s parking lot entrance other times. 

Rise Against Hunger

We support the international organization Rise Against Hunger by preparing and packaging dried foods for delivery to countries around the world suffering from loss of infrastructure and food insecurity.

International Ministry

Bethlehem UMC ministers to the world by supporting the United Methodist Council on Relief (UMCOR) with financial donations and with the annual preparation and delivery of health kits. These kits are sent to areas around the world suffering from the impact of natural disasters, war, or disease and poverty. The kits may include necessary supplies to promote personal hygiene or needed items to clean up homes following disasters such as floods or hurricanes.